~ Tweak-N ~


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Well, I figured since I love sports more than anything and play them all the time then why not put a sports page on here. So here it is, this page will have some of my favorite sports, athletes, and teams.


What can I say? I'm a sports nut. Theres nothing about a good sport that I dont like. Either if it's Kobe Bryant going in for a slam dunk in an intense basketball game or if Derek Jeter just grounded out in an everyday baseball game.

I have loved sports all my life and that's how it will always be. Theres nothing I enjoy more. I'm always happy when theres a game on, or even learning about a sport. The only books I read that aren't mandatory are sports books, I love reading about sports, and learning about them. Knowning the history about a certain sport is just as equal of a thrill as watching a sports event.

Theres only a handfull of sports that I don't like, and I can't even think of them off the top of my head, but believe me, they're there. There's one sport though that I don't even think should be considered a sport. You know what I'm talking about, that damn shuffle boarding or whatever from the Olympics. What the hell is that, that's not a sport. People are rolling, or "shuffling" a stupid little thing down the floor and being gay. Whomever allowed that sport to be in the Olympics or even considered a sport should be shot in the knee and left to weap like a little girl.

Now besides what I've previously said above, that should conclude my thoughts over sports and my love for them.


My Favorite Sports(click on of the following...):
  1. Baseball
  2. Basketball
  3. Hockey 
  4. Football
  5. Tennis
  6. Golf 
  7. More to come...

for more on sports you can view the individual sites like www.nba.com, www.nfl.com, www.nhl.com, and www.mlb.com