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Chads Beast

1996 Chevy 1500 Z71 Off Road
My Thoughts:
This truck is owned by Jon Schultz' step-dad and is one of the coolest trucks I've ever seen around. You can hear this thing roaring from 3 blocks away and It's not very hard to miss either. I think this truck is one of a kind, because I haven't seen many others that have the same roar or height. Sure I have seen some similar, but none like this awesome ride.

The Chad Mans truck
Chads Truck
Its a monster

This truck is awesome
Chads Truck

About the Truck:
This truck is a beast of a machine and rumbles like no other. This beast is about 38 inches off the ground, somewhere around there. It has a V8 Vortex engine in it and believe me, you can hear it from like 3 blocks away, and not to mention you can't really miss this beast from 3 blocks away either. If you can miss a truck thats set up that high and sounds that awesome, then I think your blind or just a complete dumbass.

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