~ Tweak-N ~
My Future


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The Future
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My Future - - According to Ben Smith

Clinton Goble has been a good friend of min since 6th grade back when we were goofy little middle school kids playing euchre at the lunch table and seeing who could drink the most fruit drinks.  Now we are older and not much wiser...  but anyways, what does the future hold in store for Clint? 
Well, Clint went into the US Navy to train as a Navy Seal.  Clint despised his sergeant and took the emergency 2 man submarine and abandoned the ship one day with heavy loads of ammunition.  Clint later took cover as the head grounds keeper at a local golf course to cover up who he was.  Clint of course drove a red mustang and it was fully loaded and pimped out because that's just the kind of guy that Clint is.  He worked many hours at the golf course, making secret plans.  You see, Clint has a strong hate for anyone who attends Snider High School.  Especially for two extremely annoying girls and most of you know who I am talking about.  After what they did to Clint, he left with the words, "you will pay."  And I guess he wasn't kidding.  He took all of his ammunition that he stole from the navy and loaded them into his Mustang.


 Clint literally had a rocket powered car with sub machine guns attach to the outside of each door.  He found both of the girls at the Shady Acres Mental Institution of Fort Wayne Indiana.  One of them was there because her childhood years of taking Prozac just wasn't working out and her friend (the other girl Clint hates) was there visiting her and trying to convince her that not everyone one in the world hates her, just most people hate her.  Clint stormed into the hospital doing barrel rolls down the hallway and shooting anything that moved.  When the authorities arrived, they found Clint hanging from the ceiling in the "bat position" hanging by his legs with his arms crossed, eyes closed, and a giant smile on his face.  His mission in life had been completed and spent 40 years in prison.  He was let loose at the age of 63.  He retired to Florida and was found on the beach everyday harassing young, sexy women until he died a happy man at age 85.  I'm just glad that I know such a cool guy.  :o)