~ Tweak-N ~
Bad Drivers


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I go driving probably about 2-3 times a week, and I swear...all the bad drivers on the road, they need shot, and you know what?!?! All them bad drivers are MORONS! So this weeks moron, or should I say morons, of the week are Bad Drivers!

Bad Drivers:

The morons of this week are bad drivers. Bad drivers piss me off because they are always cutting me off and driving too slow and just make me angry. I think all the bad drivers out there need shot, maybe like a drive by while driving. I could drive next to them and be like BOOM, right in their dome. That way there would be no more bad drivers, and that would be a good thing.

One thing in paticular that pisses me off about bad drivers is them going to slow. I like going at least the speed limit damnet not 20 mph below it. If I had a big truck I'd get right behind them and push them damnet. They piss me off. I should carry eggs in my car when I get one and throw them at the slow cars in front of me. I hate slow drivers and thats why I always go faster than the speed limit so nobody can accuse me of going to slow. Slow drivers need to be kicked off the road and have their tires popped so they can't drive slow anymore!

Some things about bad drivers that piss me off!:

  • When they drive too slow
  • When cut me off
  • When they swirve everywhere
  • When they are all up right behind me like all on my shit
  • When they stop all quick and at the last minute while I'm driving right behind them
    • When they turn at the last second while I'm driving behind them

BAD DRIVERS DIE! I think I should carry a gun and shoot their tires out, bitches!

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